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A Ministry of
Twin Lakes Church
Preschool for Ages 2 thru TK
Hours 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long has CEC been a preschool?
CEC opened its doors to the community of Santa Cruz in 1975.
Q: How can I find out how my child is doing?
We use a childcare app called Brightwheel. You can send direct messages to your child's teacher anytime or parents may call the school office to check in on their child. We have an open door policy for parents to come and observe their child at CEC as well. Parents can drop in and observe their child through the classroom observation windows located at each classroom. Please check in at CEC office first.
Q: Do you offer part-time schedules?
Yes. Our half day program is for ages 3 & up and the schedule is 8:30am-12pm. Schedule options are (Monday thru Friday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday, or Tuesday/Thursday).
Q: Do the children nap regularly?
Nap time is between 1pm-3pm for all children. If your child awakes, or needs less sleep, they may read books quietly on their cots while the other children are asleep. It is important for the development of their mind and body to have adequate "rest time." It is also a state requirement.
Q: When and how are children's skills evaluated?
Every child is assigned to a specific teacher. Our teachers are trained to observe their children on a daily basis. Individual assessments are completed twice a year on each child. In the fall, each child receives a progress report. Conferences are scheduled in the spring to discuss your child's development. You may schedule individual teacher/parent conferences if you feel the need.
Q: Will my child be prepared for primary school after attending CEC?
Absolutely! Please go to Preschool Classrooms and the "developmental curriculum goals" for each age group for detailed mile stones.
Q: What if I can't pick up my child? Can someone else do it?
We ask in advance for a list of people who are allowed to pick up your child at anytime. For a one time pick up, you can fill out a green form located on sign-in/out table. Please inform pick-up person to bring photo I.D. for verification.
Feel free to add additional pick up people on your Brightwheel app.
Q: What if I am late for picking my child up?
We ask that you call the school and let us know that you are running late. There will be a late fee of $1.00 for every minute that you are late in picking up your child.
Q: How are school events, activities, classroom parties etc. communicated?
Each month a CEC Newsletter is emailed out to each parent. There is also a hard copy available at the CEC parent board. For individual parent communication, a note is placed in a parent pocket located in your child's classroom. We also use the Brightwheel app for parent communication.
Q: How do you deal with food allergies?
CEC is a nut free preschool and if any child has extreme allergies to another food, we ask parents in that child's class not to bring that item for classroom parties. All modifications for allergies will be explored on a case by case basis.
Q: How does CEC discipline children?
The word discipline is derived from the word disciple which means "to teach". We believe that discipline is an opportunity to teach in a positive matter. For example setting boundaries, redirecting, encouragement, one-on-one problem-solving, and teaching skills that promote empathy and self-regulation. There maybe times a child is placed on a "break" or "time-out"(a few minutes) for undesirable behavior. This is usually a tactic used for a child who continually demonstrates unacceptable behavior. This break is not a punishment, but a consequence for over-stepping the boundaries. This allows a child to self-regulate their emotions and body until they are ready to rejoin their peers.
Q: Does my child have to be potty trained?
Yes and No. Bathroom training is included in the tuition for our Two Year Old classrooms. Parent's must supply diapers and or pull-ups, with extra clothes. In order to enroll in our Three Year Old and Pre-K classrooms, your child must be potty trained. However, we expect potty accidents to happen.
Q: What if my child is sick?
If your child is sick, please do not send him or her to school. Children with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or abnormal rash, should not be at school. Children are not allowed back at school until they have been symptom free for a minimum of 24 hour period. CEC is VERY strict about this policy. Please contact the office and let us know that your child will be staying home that day. Our number is 831-465-3302.
Q: What if I decide not to attend or need to pull my child out of school before the end of the year?
CEC requires a 30 day notice, prior to the 31st or 14th of the month if you change your child's schedule in any way.
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