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A Ministry of
Twin Lakes Church
Preschool for Ages 2 thru TK
Hours 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
History of our Campus:
Children's Enrichment Center(CEC) has operated as a ministry of Twin Lakes Church(TLC) since 1975. Originally, located in the 4000 building at TLC, with only four preschool classrooms. In 1986, building 3000 was built specifically for Children's Enrichment Center with a total of six preschool classrooms. In 2009, we increased our capacity to seven classes adding an additional room in building 4000. In fall 2017, we expanded again with three more classrooms (newly remodeled) and a new playground to accommodate the ongoing growth of CEC and TLCS Elementary School.
Our TLC school campus now provides a child a full education, which includes preschool through 8th grade. With a new school building built last year, housing kindergarten
through 5th grade classrooms, as well as, a Middle School science lab and recreational room. TLCS also includes a full gymnasium which was built in 1991.
Children's Enrichment Center is under the direction of the Executive Board of TLC. All administrative personnel and the staff of CEC are born again Christians in good standing with their respective churches. Agreement with the doctrinal statement of TLC is required of all personnel.
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